Keyword Research Software

Ranking search engines is not that difficult anymore, specially if you are using some keyword research software.
Keyword research is the pillar of Internet marketing and no serious marketer will even consider making a website without deep market research and keyword analysis.

Keyword research software – Why to use it?
The main reason why some websites are not ranking well on search engines is that their web administrators never did their homework. And that is – not doing detailed keyword research. And never using any keyword research software or tool.
Most people just skip it, believing it is something very hard to learn, but honestly - it’s extremely easy.

Let me list just a couple of main reasons why affiliates are not ranking Google, getting quality traffic and earning cash with their online business:

1. Choosing unrelated keywords – with the content on their website

2. Choosing high-competition keywords which are almost impossible to rank without the serious time and money investments

3. Choosing unprofitable keywords or keywords that have poor commercial value

4. Choosing wrong keywords that no one really types into search engines

5. Wrong display of keywords on pages – bad On-page-SEO – resulting in a red flag or simple ignore from search engines.

There is really no reason not to use some keyword research software and rank those search engines.

Top 5 Keyword Research Software Suites
Traffic Travis
 Powerful SEO and PPC keyword research software created by super-affiliate Mark Ling. It reached its 4th version and is more powerful then ever. The software is designed to help online businesses boost their website traffic. It is an all-in-one tool for search engine optimization, pay-per-click monitoring and general market research.
This keyword research software is used by over 250,000 web admins around the world to research, monitor and drive more traffic to their websites daily. There are very few quality tools that can be even remotely compared to it.
Traffic Travis is much more then just keyword research software.
Let me briefly list some of the main features:
Analyze your competition SEO and PPC strategies.
Identify their SEO weak points and track their PPC campaigns.
Find the best keywords with the help of this keyword research software.
Discover who the top competitors are for any particular keyword. Traffic Travis will find out how many keywords  they’re bidding on, and their average position.
Improve your on-page optimization by checking your SEO score
Spy on your competition on-page SEO
Track profitability of keywords with keyword research software tool
Assess your backlinks, and track your competition most valuable backlink sources.
Honestly, one of the best keyword research software today.
If you want to know more – check detailed Traffic Travis 4.0 Review
Or just download FREE Traffic Travis 3.0 version

Market Samurai

 A powerful keyword research software with several amazing tools built in. It is designed as – find, research, monitor and spy affiliate weapon. Once set up properly it can give full market analysis on any desired keyword, and monitor results as the website is built.
It is actually a lot more than just keyword research software.
Let me briefly list some of the main features:
Rank Tracker – This is a tool for checking your search engine ranking with your keywords.
Keyword Research – Extremely powerful keyword research software feature that does in-depth keyword analysis
SEO Competition - Gives deep analysis of top 10 pages ranked for particular keyword
Domains – A tool for searching available new or expired domains around a desired keyword.
Monetization – A tool that can find products related to your keyword and actually show you the most profitable products to advertise
Find Content – Find a content related to specific keyword. Perfect for filling up new websites
Publish Content – Publishes content directly from this keyword research software to many wordpress blogs.
Promotions – Link building tool that helps you find perfect places to plant your backlinks.
Personally, this is my favorite keyword research software that I use on daily basis for tracking my results and check on competition. PC and MAC compatible.
If you want to know more – check detailed Market Samurai Review
I strongly recommend downloading FREE version of Market Samurai

SEO Elite
 This is not classic keyword research software. When you open up SEO Elite you can tell right away that this is the software used by professionals. It is comprised of 6 main features:
Backlinks analyzer - Absolutely incredible spy tool for deep research with 2 different modes – Report and Analysis
High Page Rank link partner search - Tool used for search best backlink opportunities that will help your web pages rank higher on search engines. This keyword research software has auto-submitter implemented.
Rank tracker - Monitor your SEO results and pinpoint your weak spots
Web-page Index tool - Track your presence on search engines
Title, Text and Anchor Analysis - Alternation of keyword research software – with Google’s “allin” search commands implemented
Link Checker - check all websites that have or had your backlink.
Although extremely powerful, this is pretty costly software and I do not recommend it for beginners. It doesn’t have free version but can be downloaded for trial. There is 2 months full refund guarantee, giving you plenty of time to try it for yourself.
Only if you are already making some money with your online business, then I would recommend buying SEO elite for traffic boost.
For more information on SEO Elite – Visit SEO Elite Official Homepage

 Micro Niche Finder
A powerful keyword research software that can help you create micro niche sites. It is designed for affiliates to easily detect low competition markets and high potential Adsense payouts.  The main difference is that most keyword research software suites don’t  include all niches in their database.
Finding “long tail keywords”, a closely related keywords that are potentially not used at all – becomes a joke.
Let me list you some of the key features:
In-depth keywords research – With Micro Niche Finder you can dig deeper than with any other keyword research software. It will use synonyms to check related keyword phrases, google trends search, even Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) capabilities to go even further, and more. You can even do broad, exact and/or narrow searches.
Geographical Targeting & Google Database – Micro Niche Finder also allows you to choose a specific geographical location so that you can be even more specific when doing keyword research. Google Database is implemented – gives most accurate results.
Project Management – Archive all your selected keywords into specific project files
One of the best keyword research software, highly specialized for analytics. Costs about 100$ and has no trial version but you can get full refund within 60 days.
Visit Micro Niche Finder Homepage for more information and download.

Keyword Spy
A robust keyword research software that offers lifetime free trial. It is more oriented towards creating profitable PPC campaigns, but can be used for detailed keyword research too.
 It is pricey software, paid monthly. Not recommended for beginners.
Keyword Spy calls itself an advanced research engine and it really is a great tool for gaining insights into your competition with few mouse clicks.
Recommended for serious marketers only. A profit-oriented keyword research software.

Keyword Research Software eBook – Juice for the End
Download SEO Made Easy eBook for FREE and see for yourself what this keyword research software can do for you.
To download your free copy of eBook – just right click on the book and choose “Save Target As”
The book has 90 pages in 10 chapters of really useful SEO tips written with style and easy to read:
“Optimize The Wrong Keywords And You’ll Likely Never See Results …”
“How Changing One Single On Page Optimization Factor Can Boost Your Rankings By Over 350 Positions!”
“The Secret To Getting Listed In Google In Under 24 Hours – Guaranteed!”
“How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google With Properly Planned Offpage Optimization!”
“How To Skyrocket Past The #1 Ranked Website On Google For The Term Diet Information …”
“Are You Asking Google To Penalize Or Ban Your Website?”
“Don’t Get Your Website Banned BY Google… By Accident!”
“Possibly The Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The Search Engines…”
“What You Must Do To Rank Well For Your Inner Web Pages…”
“The Cold Hard Facts About Google Page Rank And How To Use It To 1-Up Your Competitors!”

Enjoy your reading!
And remember – Keyword Research Software can only help in your online business. It cannot run it. No investment is as valuable as your time and effort. Good luck to all affiliates worldwide! (Keyword Research Software)


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